11 research outputs found

    Развитие чирлидинга в городе Таганроге

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    Современное общество, высочайшие темпы его развития предъявляют все новые, более высокие требования к человеку и его здоровью. В последние годы наблюдается значительное ухудшение здоровья молодежи. В молодежном обществе пока еще медленно вырабатывается «мода» на здоровье, культура здорового поведения. Физическое воспитание студентов проводится на протяжении всего обучения в вузе и осуществляется в многообразных формах, которые взаимосвязаны, дополняют друг друга и представляют собой единый процесс учебно-воспитательной работы

    Nanoparticle Clusters with Lennard-Jones Geometries

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    Noble gas and metal atoms form minimum-energy clusters. Here, we present analogous agglomerates of gold nanoparticles formed in oil-in-water emulsions. We exclude interfacial templating and nucleation-and-growth as formation mechanisms of these supraparticles. Similar to atomic clusters, the supraparticles form when a mobile precursor state can reconfigure until the nanoparticles’ interactions with each other and with the liquid–liquid interface are maximized. This formation mechanism is in striking contrast to that previously reported for microparticle clusters

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms

    Crystallization Mechanisms in Convective Particle Assembly

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    Colloidal particles are continuously assembled into crystalline particle coatings using convective fluid flows. Assembly takes place inside a meniscus on a wetting reservoir. The shape of the meniscus defines the profile of the convective flow and the motion of the particles. We use optical interference microscopy, particle image velocimetry, and particle tracking to analyze the particles’ trajectory from the liquid reservoir to the film growth front and inside the deposited film as a function of temperature. Our results indicate a transition from assembly at a static film growth front at high deposition temperatures to assembly in a precursor film with high particle mobility at low deposition temperatures. A simple model that compares the convective drag on the particles to the thermal agitation explains this behavior. Convective assembly mechanisms exhibit a pronounced temperature dependency and require a temperature that provides sufficient evaporation. Capillary mechanisms are nearly temperature independent and govern assembly at lower temperatures. The model fits the experimental data with temperature and particle size as variable parameters and allows prediction of the transition temperatures. While the two mechanisms are markedly different, dried particle films from both assembly regimes exhibit hexagonal particle packings. We show that films assembled by convective mechanisms exhibit greater regularity than those assembled by capillary mechanisms